Pavel Sukdolák (born September 21, 1925) does not usually put a date at his graphic lists. Probably they are of no significance and importance to him and it is true that running time cannot be found in his work, his artwork remains ´time-proof´. But on the other hand, his artwork has grown to such a big extent – the author does not archive events in passing time, but expresses general knowledge of time, not precise time itself, but felt in its flow- let us present some names of his artwork to prove it: Record of an Event, In Time, Metamorphosis, Changing, Passing By. Since the very beginning he has inclined to painting noticing the world around him and expressing himself as a colourist. The colouristic principle was saved in the preparatory phase of pastels, with the help of which the author clears out his colour composition. Decision follows which pastel to transfer to colour etching. On the graphic list printed from three or four desks/plates the colour is modified. Co-print forms the shade of the colour and develops it into space in a different way than a spread deposit of a pastel, but often even a printed colour keeps the intensity of a pastel. Sukdolák´s colourfullness moves on the scale from light transparent blue, gentle pink and bright yellow to full green, red, and up to deep dark shades. Often it seems that the wave of light has moved on the space of the scene or lights have run out of darkness. With colour, drawing is used in lines of various strength, mostly as thin as a hair, subtle, marking a slight concrete detail. Concrete motifs and signs are scattered on the composition which is defined by a geometric shape – circle, spiral, square, triangle. Sukdolák´s artistic feeling can be seen in the fact that geometry is not drawn – the colour itself shows the shapes without a drawn contour. His compositions are balanced and clear, abstract elements, signs and marks go hand in hand with natural materials, mostly snail shells and sea-shells, indications of plants and small animals. Each list is a universe, a world for itself, but with no obstacle to get into it. It is a world of harmony and excitement at the same time, a world of relations between the clear concrete and the indicated. Pavel Sukdolák´s eyes are always ready to see, he notices things, effects, phenomena, living nature, and he takes inspiration which he transforms in an unchangeable personal way.
From the text by Dr. Eva Petrová
Pavel Sukdolák and Hana Suchánková in his studio, 2003
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