
Naděžda Plíšková

* 6. 11. 1934


Naděžda Plíšková was born on November 6, 1934, in Rozdělov u Kladna, died on September 16, 1999, in Prague, is a Czech graphic artist, sculptor and poet. Her interest in art occured/arose already in her childhood. In 1950 she started her studies at High School of Applied Arts, after graduating in 1954 she started her further studies of graphic and painting at professor Vladimír Silovský at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. In 1958-9 she got a schollarship to study at Hochschule fűr Graphik und Buchkunst in Leipzig, in 1968-9 went to study in Stuttgart. In 1961 she finished her studies at the Academy under professor Karel Souček. In 1982 she suffered a serious injury of spine.
Her graphic artwork (mainly dry point technique) is typical and characteristic by sarcastic interpretations of classical heroes and heroines (e.g. Mona Lisa), later she similarly shows common ´boring´ objets of everyday use in such a cultivated ironizing forms. Her artistic and literal poetic was probaly influenced also by the ´Šmidrové Group´ (in the fifties and sixties) and ´Křižovnická School of Clear Humour Without Humour´(in the sixties and seventies).
She held twenty-seven solo exhibitions both at home and abroad, and also collective exhibitions together with her husband, sculptor and painter Karel Nepraš.
Naděžda Plíšková has been awarded five international prizes and one Czech prize so far.


From my collections

dry point, 1979, 36 x 24,5 cm

Not available
dry point, 1969
64,5 x 50 cm
price: € 429.00
Unavailable Artworks
dry point, 1966
49,5 x 48 cm


dry point, 1979
36 x 24,5 cm


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